Linkin Park premiered their "A Thousand Horizons" art show at the nicofarre in Tokyo as a part of the 5th LPU Summit. Music played during the event includes: Issho Ni (pre-show), Fallout (extended w/ Mario Savio speech at end), The Catalyst (remix, including parts of the Does It Offend You, Yeah? remix), Blackout (RAC remix ending), Waiting For The End, Iridescent (shortened ending, last chorus was cut out), The Messenger (Chester live vocals over pre-recorded instrumental), and Waiting For The End (Glitch Mob Remix) (post-show).
Other Notes:
Good Smile Company (company who put the event on) released a Linkin Park "BE@RBRICK" lego piece with the Linkin Park logo, name, and a design on it that was for sale at the event. Proceeds went towards earthquake relief.